
Keep Helm Chart

The Keep Helm Chart provides a convenient way to deploy and manage Keep on Kubernetes using Helm, a package manager for Kubernetes applications.


The easiest way to install Keep with Helm is with the following command:

# add the Helm repository
helm repo add keephq https://keephq.github.io/helm-charts
# pull the latest version of the chart
helm pull keephq/keep
# install the chart
helm install keep keephq/keep


helm uninstall keep


Keep’s Helm Chart supports the following values.yaml:


Keep’s Helm Chart also supports installation on Openshift. Simply set up the keys under frontend(/backend).route:

Local Kubernetes

For local kubernetes without external IP (such as NodePort or LoadBalancer), you’ll need to run port forwarding:

Port forward

kubectl port-forward svc/keep-frontend 3000:3000 & \
kubectl port-forward svc/keep-websocket 6001:6001 &